Wednesday, March 19, 2008

two interesting articles

Yesterday evening I was occupied at an Association of Clinical Research Professionals meeting so I didn't get a chance to post this interesting article from CNN about whether the Tuskegee syphilis trial still has repercussions for African Americans participation in clinical trials today. It is an interesting article that examines whether African Americans distrust clinical trials, or if they do not have equal access to opportunities to participate in clinical trials. You can find the article here:

Today's New York Times ran an article today on trends in medical education, specifically the trend towards specialization in the highly competitive fields of dermatology and plastic surgery. While dermatology was once derided by other medical specialties, new research is drawing in more medical students and residents. Also enticing is the promise of high pay and stable hours as compared to other medical professions. But this has implications for medical care in that fewer doctors are specializing in primary and preventative care, which have longer hours and lower pay. The article explores these issues here:

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