Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Let me begin by confessing, I am a coffee snob. I had an espresso machine in my apartment before I had a bed. I take the time to make my own lattes, just the way I like them at home. Even better, are the ones my Dad makes.

Still, I do find myself at a Starbucks every now and again. That's why the article from The New York Times Health blog caught my attention this morning. Starbucks is trying to shorten the lingo when it comes to ordering drinks. Customers can now ask for a skinny drink and it will come with nonfat milk, sugar-free syrup and no whip, rather than asking for each of these things individually http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/01/15/the-skinny-at-starbucks/.

It raises some interesting rhetorical connotations when you call a drink skinny. Can you really call a nonfat latte a healthy drink? And does the word "skinny" insensitive to those with weight insecurities?

Besides that, it doesn't really help me. I like to order half the sweetener, even the sugar-free, because they over-sweeten their drinks and an extra shot because their drinks are too weak. Or I just go to a independent coffee shop or my dad's kitchen.

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