Monday, October 11, 2010

Pink fatigue

The New York Times Well blog had an article today about the growing number of voices expressing "pink fatigue." October is breast cancer awareness month and pink is everywhere. but some fear that the emphasis on marketing and cutesy products misses the point. Others feels the money could be better spent on actual breast cancer research rather than "awareness."

I can appreciate that this can be a difficult balance to find. You do want to raise awareness of the disease, especially since early detection can be helpful in treatment. Creative fundraising can bring in a lot of money. And it's nice for people to feel like they are doing something, even if it is just saving yogurt lids. But are we missing the point? At least one group is suggesting we need more than pink, we need a deadline. The National Breast Cancer Coalition has taken the pink gloves off and set a deadline to find a cure: January 1, 2020.

Despite the frustration, it appears the sea of pink is here for now. But let's continue to highlight research efforts as much as we highlight baseball players with pink bats.

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