Thursday, June 11, 2009

One of the best New York Times headlines ever

The headline?

"Lights, Camera, Contraction!"

In all seriousness, the article in the New York Times Style section examined the trends of childbirth videos on and the value of these videos to expectant moms and families. Many years ago, before childbirth was moved to the hospital, women and girls would have seen many childbirths, as their mothers and sisters gave birth at home. But now many women may not see a childbirth until they experience their own and as such may not know what to really expect. The youtube videos offer a raw and very real account of childbirth, unlike sanitized and heavily edited versions show in a birthing class, or unrealistic fictionalized births on television. The mothers get to share their story and their joy and the moms-to-be can get a glimpse of what to really expect.

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