Monday, May 11, 2009

The potential trouble with novels and eating disorders

The New York Times Well blog had an intriguing post about the influence novels may play in giving young people ideas about anorexia. Girls with anorexia, or teetering on the edge of anorexia, may look at books that portray the horrifying consequences of anorexia as inspirational rather than precautionary. The literary detail may even function as a how-to guide.

No one thinks that someone would pick up a book like the reviewed Wintergirls and decide that anorexia is glamorous and decide to try it. There are likely a host of other psychological issues at play in those with eating disorders. But if someone with those psychological issues picks up that same book, could it be a trigger? Can these stories be told any other way?

You can find the review of the new book Wintergirls here and a discussion on Well here.

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