Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Too much talk?

The New York Times published an article in today's paper about the "Six Habits of Highly Respectful Physicians" in addition to an article from yesterday which shot up to the top of the most e-mailed list: "Arrogant, Abusive and Disruptive -- and a Doctor." These articles about physician-patient relationships generate a lot of discussion. But sometimes the articles put physicians on the defensive. Doctors have a very difficult job, compounded by a difficult fiscal environment, and all the while patients and patient advocates criticize everything from their communication skills to how often they wash their hands. So does all this talk about physician-patient communication, and the brokenness of the health care system and how physicians can and should improve really help anyone? Or is it just complicating the relationship further by putting physicians on the defensiveness?

How can we make these conversations more constructive?

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