Tuesday, November 18, 2008

physician dissatisfation

The Physicians' Foundation released the results of its survey on physician satisfaction, or rather, physician dissatisfaction.

You can find a summary from the Foundation here: http://www.physiciansfoundations.org/news/news_show.htm?doc_id=728872

And an article and comments from the Wall Street Journal Health blog here: http://blogs.wsj.com/health/2008/11/18/doctors-feel-gloomy-financially-strapped/

Such high rates of dissatisfaction with the field raise questions about not only the future of the field and being able to retain enough physicians for society's health care needs, but it also raises questions about the quality of the relationship between physicians and patients today. If so many physicians are so dissatisfied with their jobs, does it make it that much harder for them to do their jobs well? Is it harder to forge a meaningful physician-patient relationship? Or is it the satisfaction of reaching out and helping patients that keeps physicians in medicine, despite all the paperwork and bureaucratic non-sense that takes up so many physicians' time?

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