Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Grumpy old docs not quite as grumpy

That was the headline of a recent Wall Street Journal Health blog entry http://blogs.wsj.com/health/2007/10/26/grumpy-old-docs-not-quite-as-grumpy/. A survey asked doctors age 50-65 if practicing medicine was more or less satisfying than 5 years ago. In 2004, 74% of doctors said yes, practicing medicine is less satisfying than 5 years ago. In 2007, 52% answered yes. And while the title said grumpy old docs are less grump, the responses to the post leaned more towards grumpy than not. Make no mistake, medicine is a difficult, demanding profession. You have to be dedicated to spend that much time in school and training, and go into immense debt, to work in a system with less autonomy and falling reimbursements.

In all things, you have to love what you do. And physicians have to love what they do if they are going to make any effort to do it better.

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